How to Burn Your Fat Naturally & Safely

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Excess fat is the most common cause of the obesity problem. How to burn fat quickly and safely? Many people can not wait to get the ideal body weight in a short time. There are successful in a few weeks, there is also that takes several months. It depends on your consistency in weight loss programs accurately, quickly and safely.

The more fat that accumulates in the body, the more time it takes to achieve optimal fat burning. Because no single way to lose weight that instant, all require a process. An important point that you need to take care of is the consistency to perform any weight loss program that has been created.

Excess fat often makes you think hard to get rid of it. Process time and success to burn fat at every person is different. Depending on how much your excess body fat. The thicker fat accumulate, the more you take time to burn it. Here's a quick way to burn fat, but the body remains healthy and in a fun way ... then do this action:

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Getting Rid of your Fat Naturally

Avoid Alcohol
Many people can not escape from the consumption of alcohol, but if you concentrate on safe weight loss program, then reduce your alcohol intake. Alcohol can lower your metabolism because it is able to suppress the central nervous system. Research in England proved, if alcohol is added to foods high in fat and high in calories, the unsaturated fat burning in the body, causing weight gain.

Increase Intensity Exercise
The most effective and appropriate way to burn fat is with active exercise. Increase the intensity of exercise, at least 30 minutes every day. High intensity exercise can burn more fat. If you usually jog on medium speed, add the sprint 30 seconds every five minutes for the body to burn fat faster. If you want to increase your metabolism, so do different types of exercises. For example, if you are accustomed to walking, change with cycling, swimming and so on. By changing the pattern of sporting activities, you will burn more calories.

Consuming milk and other dairy products
Most people are reluctant to consume milk and turning to junk food, but this will only make the fat in your body is getting stacked. Women who consume dairy products, such as nonfat yogurt and low-fat cheese, in small amounts as much as three or four times a day, can reduce the body fat of about 70% of the total fat.

Consuming Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is rich in magnesium, a mineral that controls the body's metabolism by spreading the energy in the body's cells. Meet the needs of 320 mg of magnesium daily can be done by eating healthy foods such as whole wheat bread sandwich containing peanut butter.

Healthy Breakfast
People sometimes forgo healthy breakfast because activities are so busy. Research shows that eating breakfast has an important role in weight loss. Examples of healthy breakfast menu is, high-fiber cereal with low-fat milk and fruit.

Get enough sleep
Avoid staying up late if you want to successfully burn your body fat. Enough sleep can help your metabolism running well. Moreover, getting enough sleep is necessary for recovery and muscle building phase after you practice. Good sleep time is 7-8 hours / day.

Green Tea Consumption
Drink green tea herbs proven to burn fat effectively. Green tea can increase metabolism of about 4% and helps burn calories about 60 calories per day, which is equivalent to 3 kg per year.

Do exercise load
Load exercise can increase metabolism because the body will burn calories. Additionally, it will provide additional metabolic approximately two hours after the exercise load. Some sports burden you can do are squats, bench step-ups, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups and crunches.

Consuming Zinc
If you do not have enough zinc in the body, so the body does not receive enough oxygen also to spread to all body cells, causing the body's metabolism is weak. Foods that contain zinc include red meat, chicken, cereal, and soy.

Drink Lots of Water
Drink two glasses of water can increase the body's metabolism of about 30%. So, drink about 8-9 glasses of water (1.5 liters) per day will burn calories in the body of about 17,400 calories per year, meaning that the weight will drop about 3 kg.


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