Simple Tweakz To Increase CPC Google Adsense

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Google Adsense is an advertising network system owned by Google. Google adsense is a type of advertising networks that are still to be excellent to make money from blogs, ads are shown to be very relevant to your blog or website in accordance keyword pages visited by the user. Google adsense has 2 types of hosted and non-hosted. Hosted account, google adsense is a type of account that can only be posted on the website or other media into Google partners like blogger (blogspot) and Youtube, while non-hosted account is a Google account types that can be displayed into a blog or a website not included in Google's partners so that we will receive income from ads revenue up to 100%. This type of advertising can we put on the site with our own domain (TLD) from blogger, wordpress or website platform that meets the terms and conditions.

For those of you who have a blog or a website, create a blog or website to become more profitable. Blog is an excellent medium to share your thoughts, practice your writing skills, you can even use as a media moneymaker. Once you become a Google AdSense publisher you will receive income from Google Adsense ads are CPC (cost per Clicks) it means you will be paid for valid ad clicks made by users of your blog. Average price paid advertising is different, depending on the price agreed by the advertiser.

simple tips to increase google adsense earning
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But many bloggers who complains of revenue from Google Adsense CPC low, it's because they do not know how to increase revenue from Google Adsense income. Well here are some simple tips that you can use to increase the income from google adsense CPC.

How to Increase Google Adsense Earnings

Use the Top Level Domains
Well things you should do first to increase revenue from Google Adsense CPC is replacing the free domain that you have with your own domain (TLD). As we know that Google adsense account which is shown in a free domain blog like blogger (blogspot) will receive revenue from Google AdSense ad serving by 68%. If you use your own domain (TLD) you will receive advertising revenue by 100% that means you'll get the full revenue from ads displayed.

Increase visitors to your blog
Just as you are offering and marketing a product, the more people you have to offer a product the more likely your product will be sold. Similarly, in how you manage your blog, a blog's success in making money is how this blog to attract visitors and make them come back again to your blog in the future. The more the number of visitors to your blog the more chance to earn revenue from Google Adsense CPC higher.

Increase your targeted keywords
As we know that the premium targeted visitors with the highest valid results click advertising is the United States, France, Britain, Australia and several other European countries. Well if you want to increase revenue CPC then try to attract visitors from those countries. In addition to targeted visitors you also have to pay attention to niche blogs and profitable keywords. Some key words such as health, online business, insurance, real estate, automotive, software, property, etc. have a high rate of CPC ads.

The size and placement of ads
As quoted from Google adsense some of the most effective advertising on the blog are as follows, the following is an excerpt:

If placed correctly, the size and placement of ads can increase your earnings significantly. Size we consider the most effective is a big box 336x280, 300x250 medium rectangle, the main banner 728x90, 300x600 half page, and in mobile, mobile banner 320x100 large. Keep in mind that although some of these ad sizes typically perform well, you should use the size that best complements your pages. For more information about the size of the ad, see our ad size guide. It would be better if you add one ad unit suggested rather than adding two smaller ad units side by side. More please read

Ad placement is also greatly affect the outcome of the CPC Google adsense income, generally said that the placement of the ad aims to help navigate the blog. With good ad placement and proper, then your ad is seen by visitors and attract visitors to click on ads that you provide, but do not even think to click on your own ads or get someone to click on your ad, because it violates the terms and conditions from Google Adsense.


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